Diet & Nutrients

With the release of update 6 diet & nutrition now requires a little planning to get the ideal stat combinations for your dinosaur. This will in turn make those nutrients harder to acquire as more players figure out the best combinations. While it may not be super extensive now in the future it could change.

NV = Nightvision | (L) = Locked

Proteins or S Diet

This diet is focused on "Health and Locked Health Regeneration"

One Diet or Pure Combinations

Carbs or Dot Diet

This diet is focused on "Stamina Regeneration and Sprint Drain." Reducing Stamina cost per second while sprinting.

One Diet or Pure Combinations

Lipids or Bar Diet

This diet is focused on "Scent and Nightvision Range"

One Diet or Pure Combinations

Two Diet or Incomplete Combinations

S + Dot

S + Bar

Bar + Dot

Complete Diets or Three Diet Combinations

S + Dot + Bar

Dot + Dot + Bar

Bonus: None 

Dot + Dot + S

This still needs testing under current patch.

Bonus: 10% Fracture Resist

Bar + Bar + Dot

Bonus: 10% Blood Regen

Bar + Bar + S

Bonus: 10% Bleed Resist

S + S + Dot

Bonus: 10% Fracture Regen

S + S + Bar

Bonus: 10% Egg Incubation


This is when you have failed to eat anything within your diet.

This gives a vast amount of debuffs.


Primary Diet Icons

The symbols above are your primary diets. Each one corresponds with a set diet you must find across the map. The better your diet the better the stats you gain. Such as: Growth, Regeneration, Stamina, and Scent Range.


Tip: Your diet is also given to any hatchlings you feed!  

Survival Icons

Survival icons may not be for your primary diet but if you are in the need of food or water they are good icons to follow. While traveling these icons can help you navigate across the map and even avoid danger.


Poor Diet

Good Diet

Great & Perfect diets change depending on the foods you eat and which combination you follow above.